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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools

PX/IRIS Inventor

Template Graphics Software, Inc.

PX/ IRIS Inventor is the object oriented 3D graphics toolkit for PX/ IRISGL which enables developers to port their IRIS Inventor applications fromSGI to Sun(TM) quickly and easily. It is source compatible with SiliconGraphics' IRIS Inventor and it provides a rich set of pre-programmedgraphical building blocks within an extensible framework for applicationdevelopment.

Language: C++, C callable
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3,2.4

Template Graphics Software, Inc.
9920 Pacific Heights Blvd Ste 200
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (619) 457-5359
        (800) 544-4847
Fax: (619) 452-2547